Trend Forecasting Indicator
Most traders lose money because they trade in the opposite direction of the main trend. Unlike retail indicators, our cutting-edge technologies Turbo Charged Indicator (TCI) and Astute Traders Club TCI (ATC TCI) do not lag price but predict market direction before it happens, thanks to the 100+ high-tech algorithms they engage.
You should always be aligned with major trend direction throughout the year since the trend is your friend. These exclusive tools limit avoidable losses by displaying which pairs to trade and which to avoid, as well as which assets have a high risk-reward ratio for long-term holding and those that have short-term profits, boosting trading psychology and confidence.
Turbocharged Indicator (TCI)
Stay In Sync With Major Market Trends
Our Turbocharged Indicator, state-of-the-art trend predicting technology, uses more than 100 advanced algorithms to predict market direction even before it begins, in contrast to typical lagging indicators. TCI keeps you in line with only those markets that are consistently trending, identifies those with high RRR trade setups, offers advice on whether you should hold trades for the long term or take short-term profits, and alerts you when a trend is actually just a false one. This helps traders feel more confident and improves their trading psychology, which helps them make the most profits possible.
The Astute Traders Club Tool is even more powerful than TCI. This revolutionary tool, powered by 500+ algorithms, predicts the bullish or bearish nature of an upcoming week even before it begins, showing traders the market direction to expect in that week. It identifies important wholesale and retail levels in each market where Smart Money is likely to trade again, and it supports all seven GBTA Empire strategies,